
由冬入春,又係行山賞花既好時節~ 🦋🌸賞花的同時,亦要懂得好好做定驅蟲準備,小心被叮到又紅又腫啊!😱今日教大家做一個小昆蟲怕怕乳液,簡單又持久驅蟲,等大家安心郊遊~😙

It is Spring time! And a good time for outing to watch the flower blossoms!🌸 However, don’t forget to protect your skin with bug repellent, so that you can stay away from swelling and red mosquito bites! This Bug Repellent Lotion is simple to make and long lasting, which allows you to have hassle-free time in outdoor.😊

甜杏仁油 - 13ml

苦楝油 - 3ml

維他命E油 - 1ml

簡易乳化劑 - 2ml

蒸餾水 - 80ml

抗菌劑 - 10滴

檸檬香茅精油 - 10滴

野薄荷精油 - 10滴

茶樹精油 - 10滴

真正薰衣草精油 - 10滴

100ml 乳液盒


1. 加入甜杏仁油、苦楝油及維他命E油

2. 加入簡易乳化劑,攪拌30秒

3. 分4次加入蒸餾水,不斷攪拌,直至乳化成乳狀

4. 加入抗菌劑10滴,攪拌30秒

5. 加入檸檬香茅精油、野薄荷精油、茶樹精油及真正薰衣草精油,攪拌30秒

6. 倒入 100ml 乳液盒便完成

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