看著泡彈球在水中炸開,是不是很療癒呢? 😜 之後還可以享受泡泡浴,把一天的煩惱一掃而空! 😇 😇 泡彈球製作過程簡單有趣,適合和小朋友一齊搗蛋 ~ 😂 😂 Looking at how bath bombs fizz is the best after a long, boring day at work, isn't it? 😜 Followed with a soothing floral- scented bath, definitely can ease your worries! The making process is actually simple and fun, also is good for your kids to have a fun mess play! 😂 😂 蘇打粉 - 200g 檸檬酸 - 100g 鷹粟粉 - 80g Tween 80 乳化劑 - 10ml 真正薰衣草精油 - 1ml 玫瑰香精 - 1ml 甜杏仁油 - 10ml 甘油 - 10ml 粗閃粉 - 適量 皂用染料(紅色)- 0.5ml 純水 - 適量 橢圓形皂模 1. 加入蘇打粉、檸檬酸及鷹粟粉 2. 滴入乳化劑精油及甜杏仁油,並加入粗閃粉,用手攪拌 3. 加入皂用染料,用手攪拌(另外相同的一份加入1.5ml) 4. 將兩份粉末倒入模具,噴水直至其均勻沾上水份 5. 填滿後,靜置8小時,就完成啦!😉 完整影片在此 ⬇️⬇️⬇️ 也歡迎訂閱我們的Youtube Channel,觀看更多教學影片喔!🤗🤗